Inheritance in JS Simplified using objects

In this article we would see how we can implement inheritance through objects

Lets create a parent prototype object :

const staffProto = {
  init(firstName, lastName) {
    this.firstName = firstName;
    this.lastName = lastName;
  empDetails() {
    console.log(`${this.firstName} ${this.lastName} works as an analyst`);

Now lets create a child prototype object .This is done using the Object.create().

const analystProto = Object.create(staffProto);

How do we link the parent and child prototypes ?

const wafia = Object.create(analystProto);

To understand more clearly lets look at the following image to understand how the objects link:

Lets see how we can access methods in parent and child prototypes.

analystProto.init = function (firstName, lastName, project) {
  //invoking the parent prototype, firstName, lastName);
  this.project = project;
//adding a method on child prototype
analystProto.location = function () {
  console.log(`${this.firstName} ${this.lastName} works for Spain`);
//initalising the child object
wafia.init('Wafia', 'Fared', 'SYSCOMM');
//accessing child prototype methods
//accessing parent prototype methods

Now, the object wafia can access both child and parent prototype methods.

Until the next one , Break , Code , Repeat !😉