Do you need a constructor every time you implement prototypal inheritance ?๐ค๐ญ
Well the answer is NO.
Hey there ! Welcome back to another read.
It is possible in Javascript to manually implement prototypal inheritance. Well how ?Lets look at the code below.
//object literal (prototype)
const empProto = {
setEmpLocation(location) {
this.location = location;
In the usual prototypal inheritance we have seen how objects have the inherent __proto__ property when they are created. Using the Object.create() we can manually create prototype object.
//creating an object with prototype object
const lucas = Object.create(empProto);
lucas.empId = 200;
lucas.empName = 'Lucas';
As you can see , lucas object now has a prototype property. Lets verify the same.
console.log(lucas.__proto__ === empProto);//return true
Until the next one ,Break,Code,Repeat! ๐